Save McKenzie Midwives!

Updated Closeout Plan Dates
Next Protest Scheduled for May 5th!
Public Comments at the Board of Commissioners Morning Meeting: April 25, 2023
Supporters of the cause speak out at the April 25th morning meeting of the board of commissioners.
Join the Mailing List
There is now a form to submit contact information. If you submit an email address you will be added to the ongoing thread concerning the closure. We appreciate your support!
McKenzie Finally Sends Letter to Patients
This is the letter received by patients regarding services ending. It is dated April 10th but postmarked April 18th.
Letter to Quorum From Oregon ACNM
This is a letter written by Emily Yeast the (President, Oregon Affiliate of the American College of Nurse-Midwives) to Quorum Health (the owner of McKenzie-Willamette Medical Center)
We Have Heard Back From Our Oregon Representatives!
The office of Congresswoman Val Hoyle contacted us. They are concerned, following the case, and would like to hear more voices on this matter from the community. You can reach them through their website (Contact Form) or by phone at (202) 225-6416 and (541) 465-6732. They suggested forwarding letters to Senators Ron Wyden (Contact Form)…
Letter Template, Talking Points
Here is a letter template you can print and post or copy/paste into your email client and send to the following addresses. Feel free to add, subtract, multiply, and divide any of the points to your liking! Thanks for your support We are not getting response from either of the contacts we have access to,…
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